
The gift shop is patronizing

I'm not gonna give my current company's name away but I will say it's a LARGE CARD COMPANY. In the warehouse I work at, they have a gift shop for people to come in and shop at…while the rest of us are working. I've seen groups of old people with their grandkids just coming in when we're all on break and coming out with large bags filled with shit, I was in there once smelling the candles, yk…not working. And a woman about 40 asked me how much a couple things would cost assuming I worked in the gift shop, I turned, looked at the stuff and said “about an hour of my day” she laughed and said seriously how much all together so I quickly looked at the prices on em and said “oh closer to 2 hours,I only get paid 15.25 an hour” She seemed kind of shocked…

I'm not gonna give my current company's name away but I will say it's a LARGE CARD COMPANY. In the warehouse I work at, they have a gift shop for people to come in and shop at…while the rest of us are working. I've seen groups of old people with their grandkids just coming in when we're all on break and coming out with large bags filled with shit, I was in there once smelling the candles, yk…not working. And a woman about 40 asked me how much a couple things would cost assuming I worked in the gift shop, I turned, looked at the stuff and said “about an hour of my day” she laughed and said seriously how much all together so I quickly looked at the prices on em and said “oh closer to 2 hours,I only get paid 15.25 an hour” She seemed kind of shocked and went back to browsing. I haven't gotten in trouble for it but Jesus people are dense. I can't even afford a 24 pack of energy drinks with a single hour of my day let alone shop in the gift shop WHERE I WORK

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