
The Greatest trick the central bankers ever played, was convincing us that it’s all the fault of the people who don’t think or vote like us.

TL/DR: Sorry no, read it. And this may be too much to ask, but read the whole thing before reflexively downvoting because you think I'm on the wrong side (I'm not on either side, sides are the problem). ​ I am immensely disappointed in the state of Anti-work. The majority of posts and comments have devolved into karma farming by bashing the right/republicans/conservatives. How is this helping? Making employee’s lives hell is not a policy of any political party, and those managers and owners shitting all over you, over working you and underpaying you, come from BOTH sides of the aisle. This will be wildly un-popular but, if anything, Democrats are over-representative in the capitalists you believe are oppressing you. Look at a list of the top 10 billionaires, and tell me how many are republican vs democrat. Look at the 10 wealthiest members of congress, and tell me how…

TL/DR: Sorry no, read it. And this may be too much to ask, but read the whole thing before reflexively downvoting because you think I'm on the wrong side (I'm not on either side, sides are the problem).

I am immensely disappointed in the state of Anti-work. The majority of posts and comments have devolved into karma farming by bashing the right/republicans/conservatives. How is this helping? Making employee’s lives hell is not a policy of any political party, and those managers and owners shitting all over you, over working you and underpaying you, come from BOTH sides of the aisle. This will be wildly un-popular but, if anything, Democrats are over-representative in the capitalists you believe are oppressing you. Look at a list of the top 10 billionaires, and tell me how many are republican vs democrat. Look at the 10 wealthiest members of congress, and tell me how many are republican vs democrat….You shit on Amazon everyday as the paragon of a shitty work environment. Go ahead, tell me Jeff Bezos represents the political party you’ve been trained to hate. Oh he doesn’t? How does that compute with left = good, right = bad?

It’s always been the bankers. I bet you believe that rightist capitalism is to blame for everything going wrong in your lives. What would you say if I told you we haven’t had capitalism in this country for over 100 years? How can you have capitalism without capital? Oh, you though dollars were capital? Wrong again. Dollars aren’t even money. They used to be once, but no more. Dollars today are nothing more than fiat currency, ever since the government, at the behest of the bankers, decided they can print as much of it as they want with nothing to back it. This happened in 1913 when the Federal Reserve and income tax were both invented. Yeah, income tax didn’t exist until they made Dollars worthless, it’s required as part of the current Dollar confidence game.

You know which party was in power when all this happened? Yup, not Republicans. But let’s just blame it on them anyway since the parties “swapped” back in the 60’s. Am I doing this right?

Stop letting them pit you against each other, and realize the bankers are screwing all of us. Did you know the money the government owes to the Federal Reserve, the 30 Trillion of national debt, came from nowhere? It didn’t exist until the Federal Reserve (A private bank that is not federal and has no reserves) decided to enter it onto their balance sheet. But you know what is real? The taxes taken from you income to pay off the interest. You, the American people, are paying real interest on a fake “loan”, for the right to have your savings evaporate away as more money is printed which dilutes the ones in your bank account to worthlessness.

Minimum wage increase are only being discussed because they destroy the value of the dollar every year. If we had a money that had inherent value, that kept its value from one year to the next, we wouldn’t have to worry about wages keeping up with inflation.

But go on. Keep blaming you neighbor instead of the bankers. That’s sure to unite us, right?

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