
The guy I was training to do my job after I handed in my notice was being paid more than me lool

Safe to say I didn’t teach him shit, I left that place with the most knowledge of the job and took it with me. One of the first reasons I raised about my unhappiness there was that I was underpaid for the amount of jobs I did. I was totally exploited and they have the cheek to bring in my replacement (on agency, I was contracted) on almost £1ph more than me. Honestly fuck that place, I’ve left it in a state and I hope it fucking crumbles. The 2 other remaining people on my main job hate it and want to leave too, and I didn’t show the new guy 1 fucking thing. Seriously, for 2 weeks I did NOTHING hahaha. It feels good to finally be fucking that place off. Roll on Monday for the new job!

Safe to say I didn’t teach him shit, I left that place with the most knowledge of the job and took it with me.

One of the first reasons I raised about my unhappiness there was that I was underpaid for the amount of jobs I did. I was totally exploited and they have the cheek to bring in my replacement (on agency, I was contracted) on almost £1ph more than me.

Honestly fuck that place, I’ve left it in a state and I hope it fucking crumbles. The 2 other remaining people on my main job hate it and want to leave too, and I didn’t show the new guy 1 fucking thing. Seriously, for 2 weeks I did NOTHING hahaha. It feels good to finally be fucking that place off. Roll on Monday for the new job!

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