
The Inefficiency of Corporate America

I recently took a job that was a massive step down in responsibility but a big step up in pay. During the training we're going through, we keep having to use this training system that was made 20 years ago probably by an intern. The trainers are going on about how bad it is but how hard it is to upgrade and they're looking into it. Interestingly I'm qualified to do this and it would be a one man job that would take about a year. I brought this up to my trainer and offered to put together a demo. Got told to stay in my lane. A few days later we're speaking with her boss and the class Puts the system I'm offering to upgrade on blast. So I speak with her about the proposal and once again offer a demo. Get told to stay in my lane again.…

I recently took a job that was a massive step down in responsibility but a big step up in pay.

During the training we're going through, we keep having to use this training system that was made 20 years ago probably by an intern. The trainers are going on about how bad it is but how hard it is to upgrade and they're looking into it.

Interestingly I'm qualified to do this and it would be a one man job that would take about a year. I brought this up to my trainer and offered to put together a demo. Got told to stay in my lane. A few days later we're speaking with her boss and the class Puts the system I'm offering to upgrade on blast. So I speak with her about the proposal and once again offer a demo. Get told to stay in my lane again. I've now emailed the head of training with this proposal and I'm guessing we'll see the same level of result.

I don't get it, everybody is saying they can't update this thing but it needs an update and there's nobody in the company qualified to do it. I'm qualified with the education and history to do so.

I don't know if they would go for my proposal which is fine but don't spend weeks bitching about not having anybody qualified when qualified people are offering to upgrade your systems that you tell to stay in their lane.

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