
The Job Market: A Vent

So I don't absolutely loath my job, but I am far from happy here. As they say, perfect time to job hunt. I just e-mailed my resume for a job posting that seemed like a good candidate, and they called me less than an hour later to schedule the interview. About half way through the phone call, it went a little something like: Me: I wanted to verify something before we proceed. I had listed my minimum salary requirement in the email. Is that something that has been taken into consideration and you would be able to accommodate? Them: Oh…well, honestly, no. The position starts at ($4 less an hour that my minimum requirement), but if you qualify for our research position, there's incentive bonuses and you might eventually make that much! Me: Thank you for your consideration, but I will not be wasting your time or my own by…

So I don't absolutely loath my job, but I am far from happy here. As they say, perfect time to job hunt. I just e-mailed my resume for a job posting that seemed like a good candidate, and they called me less than an hour later to schedule the interview. About half way through the phone call, it went a little something like:

Me: I wanted to verify something before we proceed. I had listed my minimum salary requirement in the email. Is that something that has been taken into consideration and you would be able to accommodate?

Them: Oh…well, honestly, no. The position starts at ($4 less an hour that my minimum requirement), but if you qualify for our research position, there's incentive bonuses and you might eventually make that much!

Me: Thank you for your consideration, but I will not be wasting your time or my own by engaging in an interview when the company is not willing to even entertain my minimum requirements.

Them: Welp, thanks for your honesty!


When the job listing included, “We are well-respected in the industry with many fortune 500 companies and operate in all 50 states” I didn't think they'd be so cheap. And if you're going to disregard what I have to say in my first email to the company ever, how can I ever expect them to show me any respect as an employee?


This position was not listed as entry level, and I have 6+ years of experience in the field (very evident from the resume I provided). Why are people like this?

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