
The job that I just “canceled” me lol.

Edit (title) job that I Quit***** recently got hired at a new company, making like 40% more, have a huge yearly bonus to look forward to, and they fully cover my gas and and have an amazing company culture with outings to top golf, and stuff like that. I am also back on days now (last job was graveyard shift) and I am no longer stuck traveling (to a project 4 1/2 hours away). Anyways, on my way out at the previous job I had 80 hours of PTO that I wanted to get compensation for but I knew they would give me the finger if I was quitting. So I told them my dad was dying (he’s not) and I needed to take a “leave of absence” for a minimum of 3 weeks. This would get me my final paycheck, and the 2 weeks of PTO. So the moment…

Edit (title) job that I Quit*****

recently got hired at a new company, making like 40% more, have a huge yearly bonus to look forward to, and they fully cover my gas and and have an amazing company culture with outings to top golf, and stuff like that. I am also back on days now (last job was graveyard shift) and I am no longer stuck traveling (to a project 4 1/2 hours away).

Anyways, on my way out at the previous job I had 80 hours of PTO that I wanted to get compensation for but I knew they would give me the finger if I was quitting. So I told them my dad was dying (he’s not) and I needed to take a “leave of absence” for a minimum of 3 weeks. This would get me my final paycheck, and the 2 weeks of PTO.

So the moment my last PTO check hit my account I emailed them and told them I quit and that I would turn company equipment in next week.

There was no response to my email….. they just immediately locked me out of the company email system and said nothing. I worked there for 3 years. I’m not upset about it or anything it’s just funny that that was their priority. I can only imagine them calling the IT guy on thanksgiving day “hey this guy quit you need to lock him out” meanwhile their employees are walking off jobsites because they are turning out to be a total dumpster fire every time.

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