
The lack of compassion astounds me at times

Last week I had my first grand mal seizure happen in the lunchroom at work, and was very grateful to have received quick help and support from my coworkers and bosses. They called an ambulance, drove my car to my house, and let me take the last 2 days of the week off. While at the hospital I am informed I am unable to drive until I am cleared by a neurologist which could take upwards of 4-6 weeks. Without my car, my commute to work becomes marginally more difficult, and they are well aware of that. Seeing as how kind and considerate they were in this situation, I assumed that I will be able to work from home for the foreseeable future (considering we often have many optional WFH days/weeks and there has never been an issue in past). When I inquired about it today I am immediately shut…

Last week I had my first grand mal seizure happen in the lunchroom at work, and was very grateful to have received quick help and support from my coworkers and bosses. They called an ambulance, drove my car to my house, and let me take the last 2 days of the week off.

While at the hospital I am informed I am unable to drive until I am cleared by a neurologist which could take upwards of 4-6 weeks. Without my car, my commute to work becomes marginally more difficult, and they are well aware of that. Seeing as how kind and considerate they were in this situation, I assumed that I will be able to work from home for the foreseeable future (considering we often have many optional WFH days/weeks and there has never been an issue in past). When I inquired about it today I am immediately shut down and told they want me in office. Albeit not confirmed, I know there is no other purpose to this besides “office culture”. My employer loves having me in the office because apparently I bring good energy and help create a good environment. As much as I am flattered they 'like my personality' so much, I am frustrated and conflicted. I want to say something but in times past, any 'no' has been a final and non-negotiable decision.

Am I being unreasonable by wanting to WFH until I am cleared to drive again? It in no way impacts my ability to do a good job (if anything I work better at home), nor does my position really even require in-person presence, and it feels like they're just saying no just to say no. Additionally, I have been severely struggling with my mental health and my supervisor is in the loop and aware of that (I have been receiving intensive treatment), and my seizure was the result of an increase in dose in one of my psych meds. Ironically, I work for a mental health company. Sigh. Help.

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