
The modern workplace sucks but we somehow manage to cope with it.

Let's face it. The modern workplace sucks for most workers. Be it warehouse labor, office staff, or whatever. The setup seems intended to express management dominance over the workforce. For instance office workers typically are forced into tiny cubes surrounded by other workers. The executives on the other hand get conference-sized private offices with a view. Warehouse workers' performance is measured by throughput. So they are made to work harder/faster at a cost to them so that the company executives can get better bonuses. The workers somehow manage to endure it. Maybe it's drugs, antidepressants, alcohol, etc. But I don't think we can sustain this work culture forever. People will go mad.

Let's face it. The modern workplace sucks for most workers. Be it warehouse labor, office staff, or whatever. The setup seems intended to express management dominance over the workforce. For instance office workers typically are forced into tiny cubes surrounded by other workers. The executives on the other hand get conference-sized private offices with a view. Warehouse workers' performance is measured by throughput. So they are made to work harder/faster at a cost to them so that the company executives can get better bonuses.

The workers somehow manage to endure it. Maybe it's drugs, antidepressants, alcohol, etc. But I don't think we can sustain this work culture forever. People will go mad.

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