
the moment I realized my job really didn’t care about me.

I really liked this job, I was working at a movie theater. Anyways it was about two years ago and my cat had cancer. Work knew that her time was limited and finally I made the decision to put her down because it was apparent she was struggling far to much. I got scheduled the day before and two days after her appointment. When I asked my boss to reschedule me I got told “just schedule her appointment for Monday you have the next few days off after that” as if I should force my poor cat to suffer more over some bullshit job. So I suffered through those shifts because I did really like my job at the time but fucking hell. I have more horror stories from another job too, a job I actually hated. Maybe I'll share those later but it's around two years since this happened…

I really liked this job, I was working at a movie theater. Anyways it was about two years ago and my cat had cancer. Work knew that her time was limited and finally I made the decision to put her down because it was apparent she was struggling far to much.

I got scheduled the day before and two days after her appointment. When I asked my boss to reschedule me I got told “just schedule her appointment for Monday you have the next few days off after that” as if I should force my poor cat to suffer more over some bullshit job.

So I suffered through those shifts because I did really like my job at the time but fucking hell.

I have more horror stories from another job too, a job I actually hated. Maybe I'll share those later but it's around two years since this happened and I'm angry and sad about losing my cat and the bullshit my job pulled.

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