
The more I read these posts

The more I think, a lot (not all) of management are self entitled idiots/bullies who might get stuff done but have no comprehension about looking after their employees and are happy to step over anyone just to carry out their achievements. They might seem ok from time to time, might be fun having a beer but they always have ulterior motives ! It's a shame that we, the “worker bees” put up with this crap just because we have bills to pay.

The more I think, a lot (not all) of management are self entitled idiots/bullies who might get stuff done but have no comprehension about looking after their employees and are happy to step over anyone just to carry out their achievements.

They might seem ok from time to time, might be fun having a beer but they always have ulterior motives !

It's a shame that we, the “worker bees” put up with this crap just because we have bills to pay.

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