
The more your job pays and the more non-essential it is, the more okay it is to dick around at work

Bear with me here. I work with kids and at my previous place of employment, I had some unrelated mental health issues (that my employers of course refused to be mindful of) that expressed themselves as me spending a fair time on my phone whenever I didn’t have something immediate to do. I know that’s probably not something that’s going to look very sympathetic to some, but it was what it was. Before getting an actual write-up, my bosses would try to discuss with me, and one thing that they’d always say was that having my phone out in front of the kids seemed unprofessional to the parents. Now, both my previous school and (for context) my current school are located in fairly high-income areas where the children’s parents often work in IT or creative industries. I also have a lot of friends that work in those same industries and…

Bear with me here. I work with kids and at my previous place of employment, I had some unrelated mental health issues (that my employers of course refused to be mindful of) that expressed themselves as me spending a fair time on my phone whenever I didn’t have something immediate to do. I know that’s probably not something that’s going to look very sympathetic to some, but it was what it was. Before getting an actual write-up, my bosses would try to discuss with me, and one thing that they’d always say was that having my phone out in front of the kids seemed unprofessional to the parents.

Now, both my previous school and (for context) my current school are located in fairly high-income areas where the children’s parents often work in IT or creative industries. I also have a lot of friends that work in those same industries and let’s just say that while post-pandemic work from home culture hasn’t diminished productivity, their employers aren’t exactly getting their 8 hours of work’s worth.

These people also make a fair amount more money than I do. Despite that, them “shitposting on Slack” doesn’t seem to be a huge deal.

I’m not necessarily arguing for my right to dick around at work and I guess it’s all anecdotal, but the thought certainly struck me.

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