
the mysterious interview

Hello, I am sorry if this isn't the right place to post this but I am bashing my brain for like 6 hours and can't rationalize or find any reasonable excuse about what would someone do something like this: I heard from a coworker of a husband that a private doctor practicing general medicine, family doctor precisely looks for nurse with experience because the nurse that works for them is pregnant nad is having sebaticle. Sorry the nurse is looking for replacement by herself and looks for someone with experience. So the Co worker of husband told the lady I am someone who has experience (have worked in surgery ward, and urgent surgery ambulance, and I don't know neither the coworker we are not friends, nor the nurse nor the doctor). So the coworker of husband reccomeds me, I wait and wait it was almost past month, and I got…

Hello, I am sorry if this isn't the right place to post this but I am bashing my brain for like 6 hours and can't rationalize or find any reasonable excuse about what would someone do something like this:

I heard from a coworker of a husband that a private doctor practicing general medicine, family doctor precisely looks for nurse with experience because the nurse that works for them is pregnant nad is having sebaticle. Sorry the nurse is looking for replacement by herself and looks for someone with experience. So the Co worker of husband told the lady I am someone who has experience (have worked in surgery ward, and urgent surgery ambulance, and I don't know neither the coworker we are not friends, nor the nurse nor the doctor).

So the coworker of husband reccomeds me, I wait and wait it was almost past month, and I got a call not from doctor not from nurse but from coworker to husband that they ask me to go one day like test of skills.

It was supposed to be yesterday and she (nurse) called that they can't because have some inspection.
So It was moved for today. And I went in, again Noone called me personally I am really really really confused.
I went in introduced myself, they had inspection today as well, so most of the time wasn't demanding we waited for the inspection to finish and to proceed with patients.

And I am talking to the nurse who I should replace should I come tomorrow, what time etc basic questions. And she tells me they have someone else to come also (someone who has experience in private medical sector) so tomorrow I am not expected to go, and I will get notified about who is chosen between me and the other person who I don't know.

The doctor finishes with inspection, and with patients and finally we have time to talk for a bit. But she doesn't ask any question, not even name or experience or anything. She proceedes telling me about the other one who should come and that I will be notified about results no matter outcome.

The nurse that is for replacement didn't even bother to explain anything like what responsibilities she has and how she manages them, it's most computer work administration and that's all, but nothing.
She goes on to call another doctor whom might need a nurse and tells them we have here to come 2 and we will send one there for you.

Before even the shift ended I had the impression that Noone cared whether I am there present, I had the impression that i was unwanted and like I invited myself over when I didn't even asked them for anything nor knew if there wasn't the coworker of my husband.

So to sum it up I have had strange interviews, but I haven't expected or experienced something so weird like this.
And again I am left with questions about why, why would someone call you to work for them, and go on to search a job for you in another place when obviously you didn't even asked for that.

Can someone rationalize this, is there some clue that I can't catch and I miss it. The shift ended in 19 its past midnight and I am still wondering. Why?!

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