
The never ending job search is “radicalizing” me

First I want to preface and few things, this is just me ranting, I’ve been a leftist for some time, and this is partially in relation to some stuff about influencers circling on tiktok. Ok so I’ve been looking for full time work using my college degree for over a year now after taking a mental health break after graduating last year. And the more I look and am offered shit salary’s for places that require a expensive degree and multiple years of experience for entry level the more I realize how unfair it is that those at the bottom who generally do more “grunt work” than those at the top who manage do should be paid more or less equally. And this doesn’t just mean those who need degrees or that but I have a friend who is a nurse who works her ass of and is paid literally…

First I want to preface and few things, this is just me ranting, I’ve been a leftist for some time, and this is partially in relation to some stuff about influencers circling on tiktok. Ok so I’ve been looking for full time work using my college degree for over a year now after taking a mental health break after graduating last year. And the more I look and am offered shit salary’s for places that require a expensive degree and multiple years of experience for entry level the more I realize how unfair it is that those at the bottom who generally do more “grunt work” than those at the top who manage do should be paid more or less equally. And this doesn’t just mean those who need degrees or that but I have a friend who is a nurse who works her ass of and is paid literally nothing. And even baristas and store checkout works all deserve to be paid a living wage. College is forced upon us and many people are required to take out loans at 17 when no one knows what they want to do. Plus even if/when I get a “9-5” I’ll still have to live with my parents because I can’t afford rent in my home city with out half of my income going to rent. I’m privileged to live with parents that are so supportive, and have a college degree but not everyone is and it’s just unfair that people can’t even live off the work they do.

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