
The new hires will make more than me

I’ve worked in my role in higher ed for about a year. I won’t bore you all with higher ed theory and student success methods, but basically my unit is moving from multiple, small, disconnected teams to one large unified team. It will be a tough transition, but it comes with a lot of benefits including pay equity across these teams. My team unfortunately receives the smallest budget from the university (totally incongruous with the scope and amount of work we do) and I, along with maybe one coworker, am in the lowest paid tier of this job with very little ability to move up. The good part is that this is changing! I will be receiving a 12.5% raise with clear, defined, and accessible paths for growth. Due to the nature of my particular work, I might even be bumped up to the next tier! But here’s the annoying…

I’ve worked in my role in higher ed for about a year. I won’t bore you all with higher ed theory and student success methods, but basically my unit is moving from multiple, small, disconnected teams to one large unified team. It will be a tough transition, but it comes with a lot of benefits including pay equity across these teams. My team unfortunately receives the smallest budget from the university (totally incongruous with the scope and amount of work we do) and I, along with maybe one coworker, am in the lowest paid tier of this job with very little ability to move up.

The good part is that this is changing! I will be receiving a 12.5% raise with clear, defined, and accessible paths for growth. Due to the nature of my particular work, I might even be bumped up to the next tier!

But here’s the annoying part. HR won’t approve the raises until they receive new job descriptions and career ladders for EVERY position on the team. That’s probably going to take a couple months.

And here’s the absolute BULLSHIT part. A batch of new hires will be starting on Monday with the same title as me. They’ll make 12.5% more.

I love my job and financially I can’t afford to quit, but I really feel like I’m getting screwed over right now.

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