
The new problem with rent increase that no one is talking about

So if you have been renting in the past year, you may have noticed some strange activity around your apartment complexes. If you live in Florida this one speaks to you. I have noticed many move-outs happening. Despite that, rents soared 37% in the complex. Sometimes the rent increase is not objectively the problem……..yet. There are 2 NEW major problems here. Tenants during their renewal are not tenured. We are now asked to provide new income documents showing 2.5x the rent. Problem #1 : The new income requirements kick everyone off their food stamps. And this is in the cheapest place in town before you are sent to the gun shot neighborhoods. This gives your states SNAP department a false picture of your income being “too high” Problem #2 : The income requirements force the tenant to obtain another job offer (second job) at another full time set of hours.…

So if you have been renting in the past year, you may have noticed some strange activity around your apartment complexes. If you live in Florida this one speaks to you. I have noticed many move-outs happening.

Despite that, rents soared 37% in the complex. Sometimes the rent increase is not objectively the problem……..yet. There are 2 NEW major problems here. Tenants during their renewal are not tenured. We are now asked to provide new income documents showing 2.5x the rent.

Problem #1 : The new income requirements kick everyone off their food stamps. And this is in the cheapest place in town before you are sent to the gun shot neighborhoods. This gives your states SNAP department a false picture of your income being “too high”

Problem #2 : The income requirements force the tenant to obtain another job offer (second job) at another full time set of hours. That's 80 hours per week (minimum wage). The laws of physics prevent 2 full time jobs. And trust me, in FL you have a 50% chance of needing to travel at least 45 minutes for a job.

This is no joke guys. This is what a basic one bedroom in central FL in a town of 40,000 is requiring now. If you think California is bad, you ain't seen anything yet.

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