
The New Work JoB

Welcome to the future managers and Ceos. The old way is not working anymore. Running your business the way they did 40 years ago just won't work. Imagine driving a horse and carriage today on the freeway. That's equivalent to job rules, and scheduling. Flexibility is what this generation is. If it doesn't get innovative the country will fall and workers will walk. The rules are highly bendable today in society (lgbtq, BLM, etc). People are who they are and are proud and the world has to accept it. Same with jobs. People with this new way of thinking just want to accept or make it with the old job life. It's time to bend the rules and satisfy the workers. If Hollywood politics and every other facet of life has done it it's time for jobs as well. Stop using the old ways to get things done. Managers need…

Welcome to the future managers and Ceos.
The old way is not working anymore. Running your business the way they did 40 years ago just won't work. Imagine driving a horse and carriage today on the freeway. That's equivalent to job rules, and scheduling.

Flexibility is what this generation is. If it doesn't get innovative the country will fall and workers will walk. The rules are highly bendable today in society
(lgbtq, BLM, etc). People are who they are and are proud and the world has to accept it. Same with jobs.

People with this new way of thinking just want to accept or make it with the old job life. It's time to bend the rules and satisfy the workers. If Hollywood politics and every other facet of life has done it it's time for jobs as well.

Stop using the old ways to get things done. Managers need to manage now. Ceos might need to visit the business more than twice a year. We are no longer willing to build your paradise while we bend over backward. I hope that jobs can understand this before it is too late and people walk and countries fall. Maybe it's their big plan after all. All I know is it overdue and time for a change at the workplace.

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