
the nightmare continues.

I'm 22 years old, I'll be 23 in a couple months, and I've been working since I was fucking 12 years old. My parents were broke and always working, hell I barely got to see them at times. So I got my own job when I was a kid just to be able to feed myself cuz my parents couldn't always do it. I'd get up at 5am and walk to the golf course nearby where I was a caddy for old white guys paying 3/4ths of a million a year to play golf while I worked on tips. Since then I worked rediculous jobs while juggling school, ranging from food service, retail, and random odd under the table work painting houses, decking, ect. I barely passed high school because I didn't do any homework cuz I was working whatever stupid job nights and weekends. When I got out of…

I'm 22 years old, I'll be 23 in a couple months, and I've been working since I was fucking 12 years old. My parents were broke and always working, hell I barely got to see them at times. So I got my own job when I was a kid just to be able to feed myself cuz my parents couldn't always do it. I'd get up at 5am and walk to the golf course nearby where I was a caddy for old white guys paying 3/4ths of a million a year to play golf while I worked on tips.

Since then I worked rediculous jobs while juggling school, ranging from food service, retail, and random odd under the table work painting houses, decking, ect. I barely passed high school because I didn't do any homework cuz I was working whatever stupid job nights and weekends. When I got out of high school I didn't bother going to college, I worked more. Picked up all the shifts I could get, got myself an internship that led nowhere, and left my parents house as soon as I was able.

Over the years Ive been through so many more jobs, more food service and retail, roofing, warehouse and loading dock shit, Im forklift certified and have my OSHA 30, I've been trained in welding and not a single welding company would hire me! I've been injured over and over again breaking my back for scraps and it seems nothing ever goes my way. I never make a decent wage that doesn't leave me struggling to pay the bills, I've been homeless a couple times now and miraculously managed to pull myself out of it both times but I'll ALWAYS be damn close to falling into it again. Living is expensive and it's only gotten way worse. This is all I'll get. I'll always be a working class dog and it seems despite my efforts and my skill, nothing is going to change that.

I've got passions and dreams and I work towards them every day but they don't pay the bills so I gotta keep working full time while staying up all night doing the shit I love. I know I've got my whole life ahead of me to achieve everything I want but I already feel so burnt out on this life. It ain't any way to live, it's a nightmare. I've put my work in as it is and it's gotten me nowhere. Part of me wishes I could have my own homestead but I'll never have the money to buy land. And besides, as much as I love that kinda life, my passions require me to stay in the city, and I'd miss the chaos of the night here anyway. Life can be an incredible adventure and I try to allow it to be in every way possible but I feel constantly constricted by a job and a lack of money. I'm gonna be tired and broke for the rest of my life.

I know we could make this life and this world a treasure to live in for everyone but I can't help but feel we all are choosing not to. There's a helluva lot more of us than them and these assholes rely on us to keep the scam going. I've always known this a big ass con since day one, it's hard not to see it when you've been exploited forever. My anger towards all this shit has been burning for a long time and the fire grows every day. I've known for many years that I'm an anarchist and thats never going to change as long as we still have to play this rigged ass game. I'll just never understand why we don't just fucking do it. We don't have to live like this at all! Who the hell could possibly want this?? Nobody! Talk to your coworkers! Talk to your fuckin neighbors! Abandon this shit and live free, disregard the banks and the bosses and take it all. We built this shit anyways, it's all ours. Crass had said “do they owe us a living? Of course they fucking do!” And they aren't wrong, but I think they owe us the whole fucking world. They took our world away from all of us and are killing it. they took your time and they took my childhood. They'll take your fuckin future too if you don't do something about it right now. So do it.

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