
The Office if everybody used drugs…

So… where to start? It's honestly been a wild ride. I've worked for this pizza place 2 seperate times in the last, 8?, years. Time is just a blur anymore as I wade through a dystopian reality of poverty and wage slavery, and I'm one of the lucky ones. I'll try and keep this story brief as I have things to do but I tend to ramble so stick with me. My GM and friend, well call him Shamus, has been working for this place for, and I shit you not, half his life… he's 28! God damnit Shamus, I love you, but fuuuuck. I'm not going to get into the real skinny of that whole situation, but safe to say he was being taken advantage of. Shamus was the soul of that place. Any store he worked at, he was literally the one that got shit done and kept…

So… where to start? It's honestly been a wild ride. I've worked for this pizza place 2 seperate times in the last, 8?, years. Time is just a blur anymore as I wade through a dystopian reality of poverty and wage slavery, and I'm one of the lucky ones.

I'll try and keep this story brief as I have things to do but I tend to ramble so stick with me.

My GM and friend, well call him Shamus, has been working for this place for, and I shit you not, half his life… he's 28! God damnit Shamus, I love you, but fuuuuck. I'm not going to get into the real skinny of that whole situation, but safe to say he was being taken advantage of.

Shamus was the soul of that place. Any store he worked at, he was literally the one that got shit done and kept shit together. A rockstar of a GM that I will always sing praises of, you go Shamus.

Well Shamus eventually found, as the cost of living keeps going up, he needed to find a new job or get paid more. The end result of this was he found a new job. Being the kind person he is, Shamus put in over a months notice and was ready to train somebody to replace him.

This is where Karen walks into the story… she has always been the one behind screwing over Shamus, and every store she worked at. As a, regional manager?, franchise manager?, idk, she single handedly saw most of the stores in her area close.

She was exaclty what you picture, and very loud and ignorant to boot. Karen waited, and waited, and waited, to find a replacement for Shamus. Either out of lack of trying or lack of an offer of a livable wage.
That's not the point, when time came for Shamus to start his new job, Karen decided to promote from within, a young girl we'll call Edna, cuz why not.

Mind you, Edna did not want this position. It was being thrust upon her and we would constantly talk about how she wanted to not be a manager at all. But Karen insisted that she try it out and see if it works. And Edna, if you read this…. actually I don't need to explain myself at all, you know if you know.

Now it may seem weird that a management position would be forced on someone, but thats the work environment cultivated at “pizza place”. But let me explain why it was thrust upon Edna, she was the easiest to manipulate. It was a very predatory move by Karen and she knew exactly what she was doing. The thing about Edna is…


Like how the fuck do you think that was a good idea?? In what world???

Oh yeah, the delusional mind of a helicopter manager that shrieks like a condescending banshee because she can't understand why her stores are closing. Wake up Karen! It's you, it always has been you. You're the worst, and that fake ass smile you wear makes you even more insufferable.

As for Edna, she's a cool kid, albeit a littl…lot fucked up. But she'll probably turn out to be a cool adult, idk. Life is crazy.

This is only chapter, idk… there are a lot if stories about pizza place that will have you scratching your head thinking, that's not true right? Thats not a thing that happened?

I will reiterate, life is crazy!

tl;dr management replaced essential GM with a 16 year old. Fuck, long story short huh?

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