
The Only Leverage We Have is Our Labor

We have wanted a reason to make a change, and the tipping point started yesterday. Most people I talk to that are scared of losing their rights are even more scared of losing their jobs for striking or protesting. We are trapped and disenfranchised. The only power we have is withholding our labor, and the longer we go without doing so, the harder it will be to withhold it in the future. We will trade our freedom for comfort until there is no more left to give while they gorge themselves with the fruits of our labor. I am tired. I am weary. I am sick of watching us crawl in the mud for crumbs and kissing the soles of the feet that keep us here. If we do not act now to defend ourselves from this tyranny, will we ever?

We have wanted a reason to make a change, and the tipping point started yesterday.

Most people I talk to that are scared of losing their rights are even more scared of losing their jobs for striking or protesting. We are trapped and disenfranchised.

The only power we have is withholding our labor, and the longer we go without doing so, the harder it will be to withhold it in the future.

We will trade our freedom for comfort until there is no more left to give while they gorge themselves with the fruits of our labor.

I am tired. I am weary. I am sick of watching us crawl in the mud for crumbs and kissing the soles of the feet that keep us here.

If we do not act now to defend ourselves from this tyranny, will we ever?

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