
The only people who ever call me anymore are the debt collectors.

The only people who ever call me anymore are the debt collectors. The conversation usually goes something like this. They will inform me that failure to pay my outstanding debt will result in a black mark on my credit score. They tell me I will never be able to mortgage a house or lease a car (laughs in poverty). To which I reply. Ugh huh. And your point is? They tell me my minimum payment is several hundred dollars this month. They ask me how much I plan to pay. I reply by telling them $0. When pressed for why I am paying $0 I simply tell them I don't have a job that I am unemployed. They seem genuinely confused by this. Like actually shocked its as though no one has ever told them they are unemployed. But how do you live? What do you eat? Surely you must…

The only people who ever call me anymore are the debt collectors.

The conversation usually goes something like this. They will inform me that failure to pay my outstanding debt will result in a black mark on my credit score. They tell me I will never be able to mortgage a house or lease a car (laughs in poverty). To which I reply. Ugh huh. And your point is? They tell me my minimum payment is several hundred dollars this month. They ask me how much I plan to pay. I reply by telling them $0.

When pressed for why I am paying $0 I simply tell them I don't have a job that I am unemployed. They seem genuinely confused by this. Like actually shocked its as though no one has ever told them they are unemployed. But how do you live? What do you eat? Surely you must have some source of income. Last I checked those are personal questions that are none of their business to know. I tell them the moment I get a job I can can pay back my bills.
They press my further. Pressuring me to borrow money from friends and family to pay back the debt agency. (Yes this really does happen. Every single time with 100% accuracy). How is getting into debt with friends and family going to make the situation better? I think it makes it worse.

I'm a 24 year old male who yes lives with his parents. I've been unemployed for over 3 years. I do work constantly however. I'm a software developer who makes video games. But just because you work 16 hours a day doesn't mean you make any money. Whatever little money I do make (believe me its less than your average burger cook) goes unreported because I wont for a second contribute to a system that has destroyed my life. Those thousands of dollars I wasted on college. Useless. 100% I will never pay it back because my education has done NOTHING to assist in my life. Not even if I won the lottery or built a million dollar software company would I pay it back because its about principles. Perhaps if they would have just given me a job (believe me I've tried. Like really tried 1000+ applications rejected. And counting) then I could pay my bills. But until then I'll freeload till the day that I die. If no one will give me a “real job” then I don't see the point in being a “responsible adult.”

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