
The Other 99% Political Party

Not sure if this type of post is allowed so forgive me if not but I have an idea I want out into the world. I would like to establish an American political party called “The Other 99% Party” and run on fixing the wage gap, instating term limits, abolishing the 2 party system, eliminating insider trading and corporate lobbying. Our message would be that the current parties elected do not represent the other 99% and we want fair representation! The way to get traction is to form a super party with every other party not dem or rep. I haven’t figured out logistics, but the main idea would be make a pact with everyone that if we get elected, we will split back into all of our original parties when possible. We can also birth a unified party from that if some don’t want to split. I think this…

Not sure if this type of post is allowed so forgive me if not but I have an idea I want out into the world. I would like to establish an American political party called “The Other 99% Party” and run on fixing the wage gap, instating term limits, abolishing the 2 party system, eliminating insider trading and corporate lobbying. Our message would be that the current parties elected do not represent the other 99% and we want fair representation!

The way to get traction is to form a super party with every other party not dem or rep. I haven’t figured out logistics, but the main idea would be make a pact with everyone that if we get elected, we will split back into all of our original parties when possible. We can also birth a unified party from that if some don’t want to split.

I think this is a decent idea to get the message out there that we don’t have a political war but a class war. Any feedback/criticism is greatly appreciated!

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