
The past four months have left my nerves completely fried

For the past three years, I worked at Walmart, where I was decently well-liked among my peers and making enough to sustain myself comfortably. Then, in July, I was fired due to attendance issues that had been stacking up since March. (The one that sent me over the edge, mind you, was at the end of May. They didn't actually fire me until July.) I still had to pay $250 a week in room and board to my mother, so I spent the next few months jumping from temp job to temp job. I feel like I do want to return, and I've been planning to at least try to do so (they said I was eligible to reapply as soon as all of my points wore off, and the last one will wear off on November 27th, two days before my birthday), and in the meantime I got a…

For the past three years, I worked at Walmart, where I was decently well-liked among my peers and making enough to sustain myself comfortably. Then, in July, I was fired due to attendance issues that had been stacking up since March. (The one that sent me over the edge, mind you, was at the end of May. They didn't actually fire me until July.) I still had to pay $250 a week in room and board to my mother, so I spent the next few months jumping from temp job to temp job. I feel like I do want to return, and I've been planning to at least try to do so (they said I was eligible to reapply as soon as all of my points wore off, and the last one will wear off on November 27th, two days before my birthday), and in the meantime I got a job at Ollie's Outlet. It's a lot smaller than Walmart for sure, and honestly the only thing making it remotely tolerable was the POSSIBILITY of returning to the more familiar environment that is Walmart. I called the HR manager of Walmart on my first day at Ollie's to ask if I could schedule a reentry interview early. Her response was that she typically doesn't call back for people who were fired over attendance. Why even have a policy for when you can rehire people who were fired for attendance if you're just gonna say “no, never mind, go to hell”? I've wanted to try other jobs in town as well, but most, if not all of them, simply have something that just ruins the entire experience for me. I had the idea to start an arcade in town as well, after seeing someone complain about how there was nothing to do in my town. More recently, though, I'm worried that once I do start the arcade, I'll either realize no one wants to come to it, I'll suck at running arcades, or I'll end up hating the arcade. I just don't know where to go or what to do from here. I have a job but I'm barely scraping by. It sucks.

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