
The Problem: Managers Can’t Effectively Measure Performance

I'm convinced that good percentage of problems faced by workers is due to managers that can't effectively measure performance. I don't know what they are teaching out there, but they are not teaching this. In the end, it costs companies good employees and lots of money. – One of the reasons why managers dislike WFH is because they need to see people working because they can't measure output or quality of output. – It's the reason why someone that takes 60 hours to accomplish what others can do in 40 looks like a hero, while the star that can do it in 20 looks like a slacker. – It's the reason why useless brown-nosers, booklickers, and suckups get retained or promoted in spite of their actual performance. – It's one of the reasons why office politics determines positions of power instead of merit. – It's one of the reasons why…

I'm convinced that good percentage of problems faced by workers is due to managers that can't effectively measure performance. I don't know what they are teaching out there, but they are not teaching this. In the end, it costs companies good employees and lots of money.

– One of the reasons why managers dislike WFH is because they need to see people working because they can't measure output or quality of output.

– It's the reason why someone that takes 60 hours to accomplish what others can do in 40 looks like a hero, while the star that can do it in 20 looks like a slacker.

– It's the reason why useless brown-nosers, booklickers, and suckups get retained or promoted in spite of their actual performance.

– It's one of the reasons why office politics determines positions of power instead of merit.

– It's one of the reasons why you have to keep up an image at work

– It's probably the primary reason why a top performer will leave a company besides pay.


This is a widespread problem that affects workers morale and their lives. It should be addressed, especially during this worker shortage. However, it goes unnoticed for the most part.

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