
The problem might be deeper than class conflict

I suspect that the real problem is nature. As long as we are alive, some work has to be done. Someone has to build houses, someone has to take care of sick people, someone has to put off fires, and there are plenty more hard, nerve wrecking, mentally draining and physically dangerous jobs that must be done and aren't hobbies. Think about the middle ages, there was no escape from labour if you wanted things done. Now, I know we'reno longer in the middle ages, but to this day, there's still hard work that technology can't replace.

I suspect that the real problem is nature. As long as we are alive, some work has to be done. Someone has to build houses, someone has to take care of sick people, someone has to put off fires, and there are plenty more hard, nerve wrecking, mentally draining and physically dangerous jobs that must be done and aren't hobbies. Think about the middle ages, there was no escape from labour if you wanted things done. Now, I know we'reno longer in the middle ages, but to this day, there's still hard work that technology can't replace.

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