
The railworkers arent going to be getting 7 days paid sick leave, heres why

Here's the text transcript of the talks prior to the vote in the house, I used this to find the stuff they voted on in the house that forced the acceptance of the contract and supposedly provides 7 paid sick days since all the media talking heads always always fail to mention the name of whatever they voted on to prevent us from finding it for verification purposes. HJ 100 is the resolution the house voted on to force the rail workers to accept the union contract and if you look over the text, there's no mention of 7 days paid leave anywhere in the text. Not even as a passing matter. This is a separate resolution vote that adds text to the prior resolution mandating 7 days paid sick days. This was passed in the house and is where the headlines are coming from. Both of the latter 2…

Here's the text transcript of the talks prior to the vote in the house, I used this to find the stuff they voted on in the house that forced the acceptance of the contract and supposedly provides 7 paid sick days since all the media talking heads always always fail to mention the name of whatever they voted on to prevent us from finding it for verification purposes.

HJ 100 is the resolution the house voted on to force the rail workers to accept the union contract and if you look over the text, there's no mention of 7 days paid leave anywhere in the text. Not even as a passing matter.

This is a separate resolution vote that adds text to the prior resolution mandating 7 days paid sick days. This was passed in the house and is where the headlines are coming from.

Both of the latter 2 links/resolutions need full passage in the senate and are NOT in ANY WAY bundled together. This means the Senate can vote on just forcing the union back to work and not at all on if they deserve 7 paid sick days, let alone straight up vote down their right to 7 paid sick days.

Normally, what you'd do is not pass 2 separate bills like the House did on Pelosi's instruction, but amend HJ 100 to include the 7 days paid sick leave text to prevent the Senate from being able to pick and choose what parts to pass of the thing you are parading around as a victory in the news media right now. That way when it failed, you'd go back to the negotiating table etc and pass new resolutions until you get what you want. You don't give the Republicans a full and easy way to prevent any further negotiating at all by making 2 separate votes on different parts of the same issue.

This is all part of the plan to paint themselves as pro-worker and the republicans as bad despite them making it as easy as possible for Republicans to vote against this by literally keeping the two issues (a broken strike and paid sick days) as separate votes.

I found out these lies and the plan in under 10 minutes of basic research on Please, do some basic digging when you know the politicans and media are bad actors and distort the facts and don't fucking fall for it like always. There is no plan to give them even 7 paid sick days unless we/they even force that much. The stage has already been set for an easy denial of even that small concession after all.

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