
The Senior Paralegal at my job is extremely weird when it comes to me

I been working at my current job for several months, I gave my two notice last week and my last day is on Wednesday the 12th. The biggest reason why I am leaving is because for the past several months, I have been getting bullied by the senior paralegal. This woman put me through hell, and she still is, even though I am leaving. Today, I took a 5 minute break and I was on my phone after working for four hours straight and I see her staring at me. She was actually on her tippy toes trying to look over the cubical to see what I was doing. She did this for 5 minutes. She finally came over to me and asked me to do something, it was in reference to her work (My time here I was constantly doing her work, even though I had my own job.)…

I been working at my current job for several months, I gave my two notice last week and my last day is on Wednesday the 12th.

The biggest reason why I am leaving is because for the past several months, I have been getting bullied by the senior paralegal.

This woman put me through hell, and she still is, even though I am leaving.

Today, I took a 5 minute break and I was on my phone after working for four hours straight and I see her staring at me. She was actually on her tippy toes trying to look over the cubical to see what I was doing. She did this for 5 minutes. She finally came over to me and asked me to do something, it was in reference to her work (My time here I was constantly doing her work, even though I had my own job.) and I said no.

But is that weird? Should I even finish my two weeks at this point? I feel like she’s really weird and it makes me uncomfortable.

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