
The Struggle of Being the New Employee

Basically my trainer is the girl running saute, though it's clear to me she had never been a saute cook before outside of this job. She prioritizes speed to quality everytime and as such ends up with broken sauces, overcooked shrimp, and too harshly seared salmon. Basically for the sauce all she would have to do is add the butter at the end instead of the begining, for the salmon add less oil at the start and for the shrimp reduce the heat on the sear and boil them in the sauce for less time. Though as I point these things out to her she takes it as a slight to her ego and immedily runs to the exec chef to complain about me as her new trainee. At which point the chef pulls me aside on my smoke break to make it abundantly clear that I am there to…

Basically my trainer is the girl running saute, though it's clear to me she had never been a saute cook before outside of this job. She prioritizes speed to quality everytime and as such ends up with broken sauces, overcooked shrimp, and too harshly seared salmon. Basically for the sauce all she would have to do is add the butter at the end instead of the begining, for the salmon add less oil at the start and for the shrimp reduce the heat on the sear and boil them in the sauce for less time.

Though as I point these things out to her she takes it as a slight to her ego and immedily runs to the exec chef to complain about me as her new trainee. At which point the chef pulls me aside on my smoke break to make it abundantly clear that I am there to “learn” from her and that she is teaching me the way to do the dishes in a high volume environment nevermind that I have run similar stations in the same if not higher volume environments. I attempt to tell the chef that you can keep up with high volume while maintianing good standards of food quality in which he interupts me a tells me it's my first day so if I like my job I need to shut up and take a backseat and watch this girl proceed to fuck up the recipies.

So I figure fuck it, I'll let her ruin her food and the shit I cook will be great without her help. Fastforward 2 hours into the shift and she takes a bathroom break and we get an order for the salmon dish. Keep in mind I'm only supposed to be doing the sides and sandwhiches meaning that I should have waited for her to get back to fire the salmon. However the salmon dish is very easy and I begin it in ernest and have it done when she returns. As such I return to sides as she sends it to the pass. The chef thinking he is praising her while looking me in the eyes and at my salmon dish, loudly proclaims what a beutiful sear and plating of this salmon. To both his and her horror I respond, “thank you chef, though I know if you knew I cooked that and not her you wouldn't have said anything.”

Que the next 3 hours being awkward while the girl training me is threating my job and crying to the executive chef if I didn't ruin the dish the way she did while constatly being on her phone, not cleaning up after herself, stealing my clean towels and tongs, and not restocking the station. AITA?

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