
The system is setup to work us to death

Guys this is all fucked. Spending time on here and collapse has shown me just how fucked up everything is. Were not PEOPLE to the elites. To them we are numbers, casualties, profits, expenses, prisoners, etc etc. All the rich dont care if we live or die, Bezos, Musk and all of them know just how fucked up the conditions are in their workplaces. Everything from pissing in bottles without breaks to mining in dangerous conditions for electric battery parts. They simply dont give a fuck. The politicians same thing, governments have never worked for the people and they just go along with the elites. This has been the case since ancient Roman times and before, they keep us distracted with bread and circusses. That sounds like a lot of bs right, lets dive into some actual stats and data. ​ -Worlds billionares have more wealth than 4.6 BILLION people.…

Guys this is all fucked. Spending time on here and collapse has shown me just how fucked up everything is.

Were not PEOPLE to the elites. To them we are numbers, casualties, profits, expenses, prisoners, etc etc. All the rich dont care if we live or die, Bezos, Musk and all of them know just how fucked up the conditions are in their workplaces. Everything from pissing in bottles without breaks to mining in dangerous conditions for electric battery parts. They simply dont give a fuck. The politicians same thing, governments have never worked for the people and they just go along with the elites. This has been the case since ancient Roman times and before, they keep us distracted with bread and circusses.

That sounds like a lot of bs right, lets dive into some actual stats and data.

-Worlds billionares have more wealth than 4.6 BILLION people. Were talking about a few thousand people having more than billions. LINK
This is fucked, there shouldnt be billionaires until every person has access to food water and a shelter. Sure then you can have your superyachts.
In the USA I believe top 3 have as much wealth as the bottom 200million.

-We have the resources for comftrable lives but it isnt allowed because “money”.
This one gets me the most. Look at how often you hear about grocery stores dumping out tons of food. Farms dumping fruit/veggies/etc because it doesnt look good so it wont sell. Even though its a perfectly good apple it has to be tossed because of looks.

Theres more empty houses than there are homless in the USA.

Amazon destroy tons of shit everyday. We could all be living with bottomless electronics but nope it needs to be destroyed because its uneconomical to give it out, plus they need to keep us working. Link

-Panama Papers, Pandora Papers, Paradaise papers. All show us thousands of pages showing that the rich launder money and dont pay taxes.

This list can go on and on and on, its fucked up how far weve alowed it all to go. Imagine a world where you work and enjoy life, go out see the world, enjoy any type of food you want without worry of money. We have the resources, we have the technology, its all just corrupt

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