
The threat of Violence

So, full disclosure this didn’t happen to me, but a coworker who has given me permission to tell this depressing incident. My supervisor and coworker were having a back and forth argument, which ends when my supervisor goes to back hand my coworker. Supervisor doesn’t, and apologizes then goes straight to our director (I work in a large company). The week after this incident, the coworker goes to the head of HR, who is too busy and hands it off to our HR rep who has protected this supervisor before. The coworker said initial meeting with HR goes good. Then coworker has a meeting with HR rep and dept. director. The director is upset she didn’t go to him fist instead of the head of HR. And they tell the coworker that if she doesn’t have a sit down with the supervisor by Monday, they will consider that her notice.…

So, full disclosure this didn’t happen to me, but a coworker who has given me permission to tell this depressing incident.

My supervisor and coworker were having a back and forth argument, which ends when my supervisor goes to back hand my coworker. Supervisor doesn’t, and apologizes then goes straight to our director (I work in a large company).

The week after this incident, the coworker goes to the head of HR, who is too busy and hands it off to our HR rep who has protected this supervisor before. The coworker said initial meeting with HR goes good. Then coworker has a meeting with HR rep and dept. director. The director is upset she didn’t go to him fist instead of the head of HR. And they tell the coworker that if she doesn’t have a sit down with the supervisor by Monday, they will consider that her notice.

The supervisor has been known to be aggressive and very insecure, but she is also, unfortunately, kinda smart at the technical aspects of her job. I am worried for my coworkers, because she might have stopped herself once, but there might be a next time where she actually hits someone.

Btw a lot of us are looking for jobs for companies that aren’t a complete disaster.

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