
The time I had a job for 4 hours.

Just sharing this as a reminder that if a person acts like a piece of shit, they don’t deserve your time. Also, if you’re a racist, just admit it and fuck off into a hole by yourself. I got hired as a “part time” onboarding specialist for a small website that connected babysitters with families. I was told in advance by the friend that recommended the boss was “intense” about masks and vaccines. As in she didn’t believe in them. I had already taken issue with this so I was wary but it was supposed to be 4 hours a week work from home. So I get my first assignment: contact recent sign ups and help complete their profile or review their current info for and “weed out” any undesirable candidates. Already it was shaping to be about six hours of work that day, two over the previously promised 4…

Just sharing this as a reminder that if a person acts like a piece of shit, they don’t deserve your time. Also, if you’re a racist, just admit it and fuck off into a hole by yourself.

I got hired as a “part time” onboarding specialist for a small website that connected babysitters with families. I was told in advance by the friend that recommended the boss was “intense” about masks and vaccines. As in she didn’t believe in them. I had already taken issue with this so I was wary but it was supposed to be 4 hours a week work from home.

So I get my first assignment: contact recent sign ups and help complete their profile or review their current info for and “weed out” any undesirable candidates. Already it was shaping to be about six hours of work that day, two over the previously promised 4 hours a week. The owner kept texting asking if I was done so I responded “I understand this position is just a few hours a week, what is your deadline for this list?” “This afternoon, so we can send you a different list.” Lady, fuck off this is supposed to be bullshit paperwork.

So I’m going through my “update profile list” and I see a sign up from at least a month ago that hasn’t been contacted. Ask the woman above me (Jane, fake name) what to do, she contacts the owner, Jane texts me while waiting for a response to have a little training meeting since it was my first day. Meet up with Jane, who is nearly in tears. I ask what’s wrong. The owner had been chewing her out for an hour about this issue I brought up. I then learned the parameters for “undesirables”

The owner readily explained to me and Jane that candidates that had
-worked at gas stations
-worked in foster care
-worked at fast food places
-“odd” or “difficult to pronounce names”
-indicated they would use public transportation

Should be deleted or ignored

The owner explained that the employee responsible for recruiting was recruiting from the “wrong places” so they had to re do their algorithm so families would see their “top talent” rather than just the “newest” in their front page since they had received complaints from families that they didn’t like the “look” of the sitters on the first results page.

I saw the writing on the wall.

I left the meeting and when I got home sent a group text that advised I was not going to be able to fulfill their businesses or clients expectations and they would have to move forward without me.

The owner called me and I stupidly answered. She spent the next 45 minutes listing the reasons she was not racist and she swore up and down it was a temporary change in the algorithm. I never even said the word race, but she swore that’s not what this was about. No thanks, not for me, ya racist ass bitch. The only reason we were able to end the call was for me to say “I’m in the car and I just got where I need to be so I have to go”

I still expected to get paid for the time I put in and she actually overpaid me I assume to keep me quiet but I still told everyone I knew and everyone looking for a sitter or sitter jobs to avoid them.

I’m not going to name the site because the incident was very obviously me and she’s batshit crazy but rest assured I made that story known the the relevant people. Also the friend that recommended me quit shortly after when the owner demanded she come in to work without a mask even though my friend was very pregnant. Told my friend under no circumstances be around that woman.

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