
The Top 100 Most Fined Companies in the USA, Since 2020, Have Paid a Total of $588,638,189,287 in Fines for Mostly White Collar Crime Against Workers, Customers, and Citizens

I apologize I cannot edit title I meant to put “Since 2000” this list spans 22 years. I also did the math and per homicide(rounding up HEAVILY) that is $1,177,276 PER HOMICIDE, crime pays so you know if they paid that much they at least profited that much or close or they would actually take measures to stop white-collar crime…. If you work for one of the companies on that list, you were almost certainly paid less for your corporate overlords to toss even more down the well and transfer more of that plundered wealth into their pockets while cutting workers' jobs and wages as “cost-cutting”… A transmutation of money if you will, if stopping crime in a company was profitable they would do it, it's almost like they are laundering money like one would launder pieces of cake to make sure you get a tiny slice, the government…

I apologize I cannot edit title I meant to put “Since 2000” this list spans 22 years.

I also did the math and per homicide(rounding up HEAVILY) that is $1,177,276 PER HOMICIDE, crime pays so you know if they paid that much they at least profited that much or close or they would actually take measures to stop white-collar crime….

If you work for one of the companies on that list, you were almost certainly paid less for your corporate overlords to toss even more down the well and transfer more of that plundered wealth into their pockets while cutting workers' jobs and wages as “cost-cutting”… A transmutation of money if you will, if stopping crime in a company was profitable they would do it, it's almost like they are laundering money like one would launder pieces of cake to make sure you get a tiny slice, the government gets their part, and everyone not a boss or owner gets FUCKED.

Honestly scorched earth, it's worse than you think, I doubt this country can be saved… When you look at the numbers it's scary, not working might be suffering but working as an employee is striving for suffering in futility…

I post this so people can see the true extent of the sickness, one that allows men like Trump, Musk, Gates, Buffet to be seen as anything but dark beings… Things only possible thru underhanded means, an unfair system to the core, and exploiting workers. The lack of attention or addressing this is disturbing, the fact you aren't aware of it is proof of the conspiracy, if you think you aren't living the life of peasant hundreds of years ago but in the modern age and that your great grandkids won't look at our lifestyle in disgust saying “These people must have known they weren't free… Why didn't they do something about it” you are delusional.

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