
The true meaning of anti-work

Yall seriously need to look up Maslow's heirarchy of needs and study some psychology. The point of anti-work is to point of the hypocrisy of employers and unfair treatment of employees. It's not about work being slavery or just sitting around being lazy. Work is essential to function as a society. Even living as a recluse away from society there is still work. Our ancestors had to hunt and gather for food and build shelter to survive. That all counts as work. What Anti-work is supposed to be about is how some employers have ridiculous expectations for their employees and not have proper compensation. Things such as needing x amount of years of experience and a college degree when the job isn't really that demanding. That's what Anti-work is about. Not sitting around, being lazy and looking at the sky while smoking a blunt or whatever. Yall also need to…

Yall seriously need to look up Maslow's heirarchy of needs and study some psychology. The point of anti-work is to point of the hypocrisy of employers and unfair treatment of employees. It's not about work being slavery or just sitting around being lazy. Work is essential to function as a society. Even living as a recluse away from society there is still work. Our ancestors had to hunt and gather for food and build shelter to survive. That all counts as work.

What Anti-work is supposed to be about is how some employers have ridiculous expectations for their employees and not have proper compensation. Things such as needing x amount of years of experience and a college degree when the job isn't really that demanding. That's what Anti-work is about. Not sitting around, being lazy and looking at the sky while smoking a blunt or whatever.

Yall also need to understand the difference between a job and a hobby as well. A hobby is something you do for yourself. You don't make money from it. A job is something you do for others ie for a customer. There is always a customer in every job. So when people say “I want to do what I love and make my hobby a job” I laugh at them because they'll instantly hate their hobbies because now they have to appeal to a customer. Some people love doing their hobbies as jobs which is cool. But the point of a job is to serve a customer.

Anti-work really shouldn't be called anti-work it should really be called anti-shittyboss or anti-shittyjobs. We cannot function as a society or have any means to survive without work

Now let the lazy anti-worker comments commence

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