
The TWC information page was designed to help employers, not employees.

A little background, and just to vent a bit… Skip down to “Anyways…” for the TLDR. My employer (Also Slumlord, go figure) has been treating me like a steaming pile of dog shit for about a year now. The only reason I have put up with it was because I grew up in a very poor background with no knowledge or connections to help me escape and have spent nearly a full decade trying to get into a position with my business degree that makes more than $14/HR and there I was making 20 and getting experience. My employer is a wildcard and doesn't communicate any of his eccentrics to our team leaving us to work in the dark and get belittled daily for not reading his mind. We got into a bit of a disagreement yesterday when he started dropping f bombs. He's usually very rude but has never…

A little background, and just to vent a bit… Skip down to “Anyways…” for the TLDR. My employer (Also Slumlord, go figure) has been treating me like a steaming pile of dog shit for about a year now. The only reason I have put up with it was because I grew up in a very poor background with no knowledge or connections to help me escape and have spent nearly a full decade trying to get into a position with my business degree that makes more than $14/HR and there I was making 20 and getting experience. My employer is a wildcard and doesn't communicate any of his eccentrics to our team leaving us to work in the dark and get belittled daily for not reading his mind.

We got into a bit of a disagreement yesterday when he started dropping f bombs. He's usually very rude but has never done that. Things got a little heated and I told him that I would no longer be doing any of the extra duties that I have taken on in the past few months, which is essentially managing the integration of our sales channels with our entire company inventory by myself, without proper compensation as i felt like 40k was no longer enough to deal with him and the business. His reply just said “I accept your resignation” with some petty comment on how my therapy for my ADHD that I only went to once a week throughout February was an inconvenience and I'm unappreciative of how he worked around that.

I told him I never quit or intended to quit but haven't heard back from him so I started looking into if filing unemployment was even worth my time.

Anyways… I have been looking through the website on job separation and the whole thing seems to be written by some employer who is trying to help other employers take advantage of workers. Multiple times it states what an employer should do/say/watch out for in different scenarios to avoid being liable even dedicating a whole paragraph to it. Not once does it provide guidance of any sort to the employee. Could it be any more obvious they hate us?

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