
The VISA worker scam is about to get annihilated

So in every “1st world country”, there’s a program or law that allows the government to issue VISA worker permits to immigrants. In the US, the government can only issue 70,000 H2B VISAS for truck drivers (I think it’s only for truck drivers) per year. Why is this a problem? Because these VISA workers will work for less and employers will use that data so that they can pay you for less. A couple of years ago during the good times, VISA workers were happy to work for less because of the currency difference. They’re okay with getting paid $500 a month because $500 a month is a lot of money in the country that they live in. I’m gonna give you guys an example so you can understand. Let’s say Saudi Arabia Dollar is stronger than the American dollar. $2 Saudi Dollar is equal to $500 US Dollars. Now…

So in every “1st world country”, there’s a program or law that allows the government to issue VISA worker permits to immigrants. In the US, the government can only issue 70,000 H2B VISAS for truck drivers (I think it’s only for truck drivers) per year.

Why is this a problem? Because these VISA workers will work for less and employers will use that data so that they can pay you for less. A couple of years ago during the good times, VISA workers were happy to work for less because of the currency difference.

They’re okay with getting paid $500 a month because $500 a month is a lot of money in the country that they live in.

I’m gonna give you guys an example so you can understand. Let’s say Saudi Arabia Dollar is stronger than the American dollar. $2 Saudi Dollar is equal to $500 US Dollars. Now a job opportunity is opened in front of you. Saudi Arabia is looking for immigrant workers to work in construction and the minimum pay is $2 Saudi Dollars per hour. That is, $500 US dollars PER HOUR. Are you telling me you wouldn’t apply for that job? When some of you guys take a full week to take home $500? I know I would.

That is the immigrant mindset. That is the VISA worker scam because now these guys are about to get screwed over because of hyperinflation. They’re still making the same money but $500 a month cannot buy them anything anymore. Venezuela and Sri Lanka is an example.

Again, these guys were okay with working for $500 a month. Because $500 a month was $1 million Sri Lankan dollars a couple of years ago. These guys were literally living like Kings by the time the dollar was converted into their country’s currency.

They’re still converting $500 US Dollars to $1 million Sri Lankan dollars. Except it costs $1 Million Sri Lankan dollars to buy a loaf of bread.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is beyond hyperinflation. This is extinction level.

Employers would rather close down the business because their precious VISA workers are returning to the countries they came from. And they know they can’t milk you guys down, because you know what you’re worth.

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