
the waiting game…

I think I was pretty much termed today. I had a meeting with my GM and her boss about complaints made against me from “15” employees. When I asked about them, and how could it be 15 when I don't work directly with 15 staff, suddenly it was 2 employees and the rest were customers/doordashers. She has been trying to let me go since December, and with her passive aggressive bs has almost succeeded numerous times. As of right now I am on a suspension and they will “let me know” their decision of keeping me, transferring me, or firing me in a “couple” of days. I don't even want to go back even if I wasn't termed… This has been the most toxic year of my life, and it's not even over…

I think I was pretty much termed today. I had a meeting with my GM and her boss about complaints made against me from “15” employees. When I asked about them, and how could it be 15 when I don't work directly with 15 staff, suddenly it was 2 employees and the rest were customers/doordashers. She has been trying to let me go since December, and with her passive aggressive bs has almost succeeded numerous times. As of right now I am on a suspension and they will “let me know” their decision of keeping me, transferring me, or firing me in a “couple” of days. I don't even want to go back even if I wasn't termed… This has been the most toxic year of my life, and it's not even over…

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