
The walls are falling down LOL

so i work for a pretty large product based company. i mean we are a pretty well known household brand. part of our company is ran in a certain business segment. very few people. i mean myself and this other coworker basically run the whole thing. there are a bunch of people they hire under us. not the most skilled but that’s because they want to pay them dirt well we have been on the brink of some shit blowing up. neither of us are able to take vacation because this part of the business can’t operate without us. i hate it here. it’s been 4 years of at least 50 hour work weeks. a couple of months back i started looking for jobs. i just got one and was getting ready to put in my 2 weeks. well my buddy who also is apparently the only Einstein with me,…

so i work for a pretty large product based company. i mean we are a pretty well known household brand. part of our company is ran in a certain business segment. very few people. i mean myself and this other coworker basically run the whole thing. there are a bunch of people they hire under us. not the most skilled but that’s because they want to pay them dirt

well we have been on the brink of some shit blowing up. neither of us are able to take vacation because this part of the business can’t operate without us. i hate it here. it’s been 4 years of at least 50 hour work weeks.

a couple of months back i started looking for jobs. i just got one and was getting ready to put in my 2 weeks. well my buddy who also is apparently the only Einstein with me, decides to quit on the spot over some other drama with management not helping us. wtf!!!!

we both end up quitting on the same day. well i put my 2 weeks in last week.

let’s just say our boss is fucking shitting bricks. i have 9 days left. we literally have none of this process on paper or back ups that know what we do. that’s not my problem !!!!

i don’t have the balls to quit on the spot but these next 9 days are going to be hell without that person. mind you, we have a pretty big direct to consumer channel and i have no fucking idea how we are going to ship orders out the door this week.

did i tell you that my manager didn’t want me to tell anyone that i quit yet, except HR, until she can figure out what to do. people are going to flip out. manger is going to try to get my friend to come back who i haven’t told i am leaving yet.

i can’t sleep. tomorrow is monday and i am not looking forward to this shit show!!!!!

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