
The West Virginia miner story and why I fear for us Americans.

I don't know how well this story is known but I remember as a teenager my mom took me to a museum about the history of WV minors. Their conditions strike me as a very possibly reality of what America can be nationally: the minors worked for company made money (let's call minor bucks), that could only be spent at the company made convenient store. Their housing was also company owned and they also had to pay to rent from the company for housing using you guessed it; minor bucks. They never truly own the house and never actually made American dollars that could be spent else where. Seeing all this supreme court stuff about destroying unions (specifically that unions will be held responsible for wage loss during strikes) and the fact that all these cooperation are buying up the houses worries me! Are we really going to just sit…

I don't know how well this story is known but I remember as a teenager my mom took me to a museum about the history of WV minors.

Their conditions strike me as a very possibly reality of what America can be nationally: the minors worked for company made money (let's call minor bucks), that could only be spent at the company made convenient store. Their housing was also company owned and they also had to pay to rent from the company for housing using you guessed it; minor bucks. They never truly own the house and never actually made American dollars that could be spent else where.

Seeing all this supreme court stuff about destroying unions (specifically that unions will be held responsible for wage loss during strikes) and the fact that all these cooperation are buying up the houses worries me!

Are we really going to just sit here and let this happen? At the same time I'm also just sitting here and letting it happen because I have 0 idea on what could be done.

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