
The woeful tale of Bojangles

Gonna start this by saying: I have never worked bojangles or any other fast food. It just so happens that bojangles is one of my favorite places to eat – I love everything about it. I really fucking wish they could pay their employees more, they’re always closing early because they can’t keep anyone on and I can never get my damn bojangles when expected. And when they do manage to stay open I always feel guilty that I’m contributing to their corporate greed. Bojangles doesn’t have the best profit margin but it’s not like they’re so broke they can’t pay people enough to at least keep their stores open…. So basically, fuck Bojangles. Wendy’s, MaccyDs, the lot. Fuck em.

Gonna start this by saying: I have never worked bojangles or any other fast food. It just so happens that bojangles is one of my favorite places to eat – I love everything about it. I really fucking wish they could pay their employees more, they’re always closing early because they can’t keep anyone on and I can never get my damn bojangles when expected. And when they do manage to stay open I always feel guilty that I’m contributing to their corporate greed. Bojangles doesn’t have the best profit margin but it’s not like they’re so broke they can’t pay people enough to at least keep their stores open….
So basically, fuck Bojangles. Wendy’s, MaccyDs, the lot. Fuck em.

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