
The working person’s plight; to die a thousand deaths

When up wake up at 03:30AM and feel more dead than alive. When you would almost sell your soul or give your last dollar to stay in bed. When on the verge of tears, you try to convince yourself not to call into work (again). When you have to go out into the cold and the dark and the rain. When all you really want is your freedom and your life back. When the two best things in life are not having a job and getting a job. When your choices are limited and you live for the weekends. When all of this steals your smile and flattens your soul. To all of those; you’re my kind of people and I feel your pain!

When up wake up at 03:30AM and feel more dead than alive. When you would almost sell your soul or give your last dollar to stay in bed. When on the verge of tears, you try to convince yourself not to call into work (again). When you have to go out into the cold and the dark and the rain. When all you really want is your freedom and your life back. When the two best things in life are not having a job and getting a job. When your choices are limited and you live for the weekends. When all of this steals your smile and flattens your soul. To all of those; you’re my kind of people and I feel your pain!

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