
The worse you are at your job the worse you seem to be treated.

I know it’s an obvious statement to make, though I’ve noticed from the last few jobs I’ve worked at that mentality seems to reveal itself in many ways. I’ve definitely never been one to work at a place and slack off, I do try and act like I want to keep my job every day that I work. Some jobs I’ve worked at where I’ve had areas I’ve struggled in I’ve had mixed attempts in how the company shows effort in how their employees can improve. Which I find annoying For instance for many jobs they’ll ignore you for a while and if you fail often or too often at a key job metric they have they’ll take you aside and address it with you. It seems though they just tell you to improve on whatever issue you have but they don’t give you any examples of ways that others…

I know it’s an obvious statement to make, though I’ve noticed from the last few jobs I’ve worked at that mentality seems to reveal itself in many ways. I’ve definitely never been one to work at a place and slack off, I do try and act like I want to keep my job every day that I work. Some jobs I’ve worked at where I’ve had areas I’ve struggled in I’ve had mixed attempts in how the company shows effort in how their employees can improve. Which I find annoying

For instance for many jobs they’ll ignore you for a while and if you fail often or too often at a key job metric they have they’ll take you aside and address it with you. It seems though they just tell you to improve on whatever issue you have but they don’t give you any examples of ways that others have been successful. Or if they do it’s super vague as If the managers haven’t actually tried that way themselves so they don’t know exactly what it is that is causing you to fail vs what others are doing to succeed.

That or other jobs I’ve had just simply ignore you until its been bad enough and jump to writing you up citing certain expectations you’re not meeting. Again they offer you time to improve but don’t offer tips that you can use to get better at what they want you to improve on.

However if you’re excellent at your job they give you compliments and extra positive attention all the time instead of ignoring you and letting you fail. It’s just a weird concept.

But if you’re bad at your job they don’t let you transfer to another department that you may be better at because for some reason you have to show you’re good enough at your current job first to let you know they’re qualified for some reason, even if the other position has little to nothing to compare to to your current position. I never got that.

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