
Their Word Against Mine

This is going to be a bit of a long one, so apologies in advance. In my workplace, I've just found out that another employee has gone to my superior to complain about me and my attitude toward them, and said that I've been passive agressive. I know I'm a stranger to you all but this isn't true, in the slightest. This employee is constantly talking bad about other people behind their backs and to their faces. It's gotten pretty bad in the past, and I've considered going to my superior (who is also their superior) to talk about it, but haven't out of respect, because this employee is leaving soon, and who goes straight to the gm for a problem they have with another person? That's a little messed up is it not? I'd even said to this person that if I ever do anything to upset them they…

This is going to be a bit of a long one, so apologies in advance. In my workplace, I've just found out that another employee has gone to my superior to complain about me and my attitude toward them, and said that I've been passive agressive.

I know I'm a stranger to you all but this isn't true, in the slightest. This employee is constantly talking bad about other people behind their backs and to their faces. It's gotten pretty bad in the past, and I've considered going to my superior (who is also their superior) to talk about it, but haven't out of respect, because this employee is leaving soon, and who goes straight to the gm for a problem they have with another person? That's a little messed up is it not? I'd even said to this person that if I ever do anything to upset them they can come to me.

I've never liked them, but I don't let it show. The other night I was even hanging out with them and we were laughing and joking around. There's proof on the cameras too. I have two other employees on my side but unfortunately they are very close to me, so I'm afraid that my superior won't listen to what they have to say. I'm in a position of management, which makes things worse. None of my colleagues are going to help me either, because this employee is friends with all of them. All of them. So none of the other managers will back me up.

I have no idea what to do. I know the gm will speak to me tomorrow. I don't want to get fired or demoted, because either way I'll be leaving for another job. I don't know how I can defend myself against all of this… especially because the GM likes to say “I understand that but this is just how you're being perceived.” So…anyone have any advice on how to handle this situation?

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