
Them damn kids and their games

Was talking to an older gentleman today about one of his sons, Son does not want to be a boilermaker and is doing a different job that gets him by. Son does not like going to work for weeks on end and living in a camp. He was upset that his gaming was taking priority over other aspects of his life and I told him, How many people come home from work and just turn into a zombie in front of the TV, crack a beer and just pretty much zone out absorbing information the brain will delete when they fall asleep… At least gaming hes engaged and using his brain I said. He kinda petered off and changed the subject when he didn't really have a response to that. Driving home later it hit me, Do you know why younger generations prioritizes gaming and entertainment over pursuit of work…

Was talking to an older gentleman today about one of his sons, Son does not want to be a boilermaker and is doing a different job that gets him by. Son does not like going to work for weeks on end and living in a camp. He was upset that his gaming was taking priority over other aspects of his life and I told him, How many people come home from work and just turn into a zombie in front of the TV, crack a beer and just pretty much zone out absorbing information the brain will delete when they fall asleep… At least gaming hes engaged and using his brain I said. He kinda petered off and changed the subject when he didn't really have a response to that.

Driving home later it hit me, Do you know why younger generations prioritizes gaming and entertainment over pursuit of work and money? Gaming is all we have, We don't have affordable houses to buy, or cars that are inside of our price range everything for the past 30 years has slowly moved out of arms reach. But Sorv, thats what higher education is for!. IS IT? I'm not a smart man but Maybe if in order to grow as a person this 10 steps back into debt to get a higher education to move 11 steps forward isnt a fucking solid plan. People are in their 40-50's with student loans to pay off still and yet to buy a house, or worse they didnt get into the field of work they paid money for to get a higher education and are now working some other job with massive student debt.

Sorry to rant, downvote if you want I just dont understand how this older generation cant see past the absurd amount of work/debt the younger generation has to deal with just to get a little bit forward vs the 50's when working an average job was enough to live with some dignity.

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