
Theme songs for antiwork

Just a post in a light-hearted fashion. Antiwork as it stands today appears to be largely discussing the unsustainability of an capitalistic system that has no real checks or balances to ensure that those who produce the wealth actually benefit in a meaningful and respectful fashion while doing so. Overall, it reminds me of this song from Muse from 10 years ago. Unsustainable. Actually, most of that album that this song is from, “The 2nd Law”, is themed around excessive greed through unchecked capitalism and its impact on the planet. Actually, the song “Animals” from the same album is perhaps equally fitting, with “Isolated System” being quite haunting. What can I say. I am a Muse fan. Unsustainable Animals Isolated System

Just a post in a light-hearted fashion. Antiwork as it stands today appears to be largely discussing the unsustainability of an capitalistic system that has no real checks or balances to ensure that those who produce the wealth actually benefit in a meaningful and respectful fashion while doing so.

Overall, it reminds me of this song from Muse from 10 years ago. Unsustainable. Actually, most of that album that this song is from, “The 2nd Law”, is themed around excessive greed through unchecked capitalism and its impact on the planet. Actually, the song “Animals” from the same album is perhaps equally fitting, with “Isolated System” being quite haunting.

What can I say. I am a Muse fan.



Isolated System

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