Lol. No there aren’t. You are short staffed because of low pay/terrible work environment so in an effort to combat that you refuse to fire anyone because you are petrified you may have to do any non management work, so you retain the worst employees while any decent ones quit, the new hires are then thrown to the wolves, used and abused, and quit before they are even finished training creating a revolving door of misery and costly incompetence . Your “work harder” “get off your phones” bullshit isn’t going to WORK. Your customers, clients, patients etc will go elsewhere until you have none. You are bleeding out and your company will not survive. I promise you drowning entry level employees in more duties, more technical tedious non job related tasks will not save you it will only speed up your insolvency. The lectures you give employees about “cost” are a joke. Does it affect their paycheck? No. They are HAPPY the company that underpays and overworks them is losing money genius. You’ve just told the people who you are petty and spiteful towards what costs you money and they hold your business in their hands.