
There is hope…

So I’ve had lots of shitty jobs you’re typical fast food and service industry type positions. Finally I’ve found a company that’s values me. I now work for a small business, a beer Distrubtor, but they value their employees and our input I know it’s not much but it feels amazing to be valued as an employee. I know so many of us on this sub feel undervalue but I made this post to try and give you hope that one day you’ll be valued too, good luck friends

So I’ve had lots of shitty jobs you’re typical fast food and service industry type positions. Finally I’ve found a company that’s values me. I now work for a small business, a beer Distrubtor, but they value their employees and our input I know it’s not much but it feels amazing to be valued as an employee. I know so many of us on this sub feel undervalue but I made this post to try and give you hope that one day you’ll be valued too, good luck friends

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