
There is no such thing as a worthless job.

I have worked in construction making from 8hr to 30, worked in retail, restaurants, I was a bartender at a casino and had nights where I made over 100 an hour. The amount of work and stress in each of those jobs was about the same. All that changed was the type of stress and the work conditions. It is a lie to say that working at Walmart is a worthless job and working in a factory isn't. Jobs produce and workers should be paid enough to survive. Skills are needed for every job, and I have yet to work one that didn't need them. End of rant.

I have worked in construction making from 8hr to 30, worked in retail, restaurants, I was a bartender at a casino and had nights where I made over 100 an hour. The amount of work and stress in each of those jobs was about the same. All that changed was the type of stress and the work conditions. It is a lie to say that working at Walmart is a worthless job and working in a factory isn't. Jobs produce and workers should be paid enough to survive. Skills are needed for every job, and I have yet to work one that didn't need them.
End of rant.

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