
There needs to be price gouging laws for housing

If you ask me, it’s about time laws in general (if they don’t already exist, which I doubt) are made for housing prices. There should genuinely be a cap per county based on median income on what mortgages or rent can be, and based on how many bedrooms or such the place has too. I’m sick and tired of seeing places where I live being through the roof and no where near affordable. Housing is a necessity, I don’t think people understand this enough. It’s not a want or desire, it’s something people need.

If you ask me, it’s about time laws in general (if they don’t already exist, which I doubt) are made for housing prices.

There should genuinely be a cap per county based on median income on what mortgages or rent can be, and based on how many bedrooms or such the place has too.

I’m sick and tired of seeing places where I live being through the roof and no where near affordable.

Housing is a necessity, I don’t think people understand this enough. It’s not a want or desire, it’s something people need.

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