
“There should be no minimum wage.” — Congressional hopeful

Christ. We have primaries coming up, as do many states. I'm researching candidates. We have a plethora of nut jobs, but this one says, “I believe their (sic) should be no minimum wage, and companies should compete for employees.” Pay attention and vote, folks. These motherfuckers are bent on driving the workforce into serfdom. I'm getting the t-shirt: CUTHULU FOR PRESIDENT: Why vote for the LESSER of two evils?


We have primaries coming up, as do many states. I'm researching candidates. We have a plethora of nut jobs, but this one says, “I believe their (sic) should be no minimum wage, and companies should compete for employees.”

Pay attention and vote, folks. These motherfuckers are bent on driving the workforce into serfdom.

I'm getting the t-shirt: CUTHULU FOR PRESIDENT: Why vote for the LESSER of two evils?

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