
There’s a bomb threat in my hospital, less than week after a shooting in our other campus in Tulsa, and we aren’t being evacuated.

They're having house keeping sweep the building. No cop presence, no bomb dogs. The other day they gave out pink ribbons in honor of the 4 people shot to death at our other hospital, and a little piece of paper telling us to run / fight / hide or whatever. I'm this close to walking the fuck out. I need this job but I feel extremely unsafe and undervalued.

They're having house keeping sweep the building. No cop presence, no bomb dogs. The other day they gave out pink ribbons in honor of the 4 people shot to death at our other hospital, and a little piece of paper telling us to run / fight / hide or whatever. I'm this close to walking the fuck out. I need this job but I feel extremely unsafe and undervalued.

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