
There’s no escape to my financial issues and I’m ready to give up

I know you all will just hit the “get help and support” button. I’ve called all the hotlines and the sentiment is nice but there’s no real help on those. I’m in a shitty marriage and can’t afford to leave, I can’t afford rent in my area not even with roommates. I got what I thought was my dream job last summer, i was hopeful and the pay looked decent (started at $10 over minimum wage). Well the paychecks started coming and after daycare (split with my ex), parking and gas there’s literally no money left. I did talk therapy but couldn’t keep up with the cost for that. I got on antidepressants and those seemed to help for a month or so but the effects wore off. How is this okay, how are you people surviving? Cause I don’t feel like I can keep doing this, I really don’t.…

I know you all will just hit the “get help and support” button. I’ve called all the hotlines and the sentiment is nice but there’s no real help on those.

I’m in a shitty marriage and can’t afford to leave, I can’t afford rent in my area not even with roommates.

I got what I thought was my dream job last summer, i was hopeful and the pay looked decent (started at $10 over minimum wage). Well the paychecks started coming and after daycare (split with my ex), parking and gas there’s literally no money left.

I did talk therapy but couldn’t keep up with the cost for that. I got on antidepressants and those seemed to help for a month or so but the effects wore off.

How is this okay, how are you people surviving? Cause I don’t feel like I can keep doing this, I really don’t.

My whole life is just trying to exist another day, there’s no joy just pure survival.

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